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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

UB Announces new site for tellers

Posted by vdority on 18th October 2009

Welcome the teller site. This will be your new home.

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San Juan

Posted by vdority on 7th October 2009

San Juan

Originally uploaded by V Dority

Here is a picture I took while visiting San Juan, PR.

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My 1st Blog Post EVER!

Posted by vdority on 19th September 2009

I have been interested in blogging for a while not, but never knew how to set one up. I am enjoying this lesson.

Here are some tips for beginning bloggers.

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I heart EDIT772 › Tools — WordPress

Posted by vdority on 19th September 2009

I heart EDIT772 › Tools — WordPress.

Here is my first post from Press This!

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Hello world!

Posted by vdority on 19th September 2009

Welcome to onMason. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »